i4Y is a cross-disciplinary, innovative research hub addressing issues of youth equity through collaborative research, training and community engagement.


October 23, 2017

The Innovations for Youth (i4Y) Child Marriage and Youth Empowerment Working Group has begun a speaker series to explore challenging questions related to child marriage and youth empowerment. The first event is this Thursday, October 26th, 2:30-3:30pm, called 'Examining the relationship between schooling, early marriage, and pregnancy among adolescents in rural Honduras' presented by Erin Murphy-Graham, MSc, EdD, GSE and Alison Cohen, PhD, i4Y/SPH/GSE. Location: University Hall, Room 440 (with light refreshments). Presentations will last 20 minutes, followed by discussion. RSVP to i4Y@berkeley.edu.

October 11, 2017

The University of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles, along with the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation, are once again sponsoring a 3-day all-expense-paid Young Worker Leadership Academy (YWLA) scheduled for February 1 – 3, 2018 at UC Berkeley. This is a unique opportunity for youth to become leaders and advocates for teen labor rights, and health and safety. DEADLINE: November 7, 2017. 

September 27, 2017

Two i4Y teams were selected to be among the 15 three-person teams supported by the Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

September 11, 2017

Join the Adolescent Health Working Group on October 25th, 8:30am-4:30pm, in discussing health outcomes for Boys and Young Men, with six breakout mini sessions thoughout the day. 

September 9, 2017

Please join the American Evaluation Association Topical Interest Group and the Youth Power Learning Youth Engagement Community of Practice on Wednesday, September 13, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ET) in a live webinar exploring youth voices in evaluation.