We are excited to share some resources from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. This content is from their newsletter which you can sign up for here: https://www.hudexchange.info/
The following content is directly from the HUD newsletter:
Youth homelessness is gaining national awareness as communities develop strategies to end homelessness for youth. To combat this problem, several new resources that can help with this effort are now available on the HUD Exchange for guidance.
Youth Collaboration Webinar Recording
Whenever decisions are being made that impact young people, it’s important that youth are at the table and have equitable decision-making responsibilities. This can happen through a variety of approaches including working with young people to establish a youth leadership body; having one or more youth representatives on a board of directors; or allowing opportunities for youth to speak for themselves.
This webinar presented by True Colors in November 2018, explains how your community can create authentic and meaningful partnerships with youth who have experienced housing instability or homelessness.
Cityscape Explores Youth Homelessness
The Cityscape, Vol. 20, dated Nov 3, 2018: A Journal of Policy Development and Research titled “Youth Homelessness,” edited by Matthew H. Morton a researcher at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, focuses entirely on the coordinated community response to youth homelessness. This issue expands on recent policy and research regarding youth homelessness. Featured articles included topics such as the experience of Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Trans and Queer (LGBTQ) young adults in seven U.S. Cities, Predictors of Running Away from Out-of-Home Care, and Australian Youth Homelessness Policy
100 Day Challenges: New Launches and Resources
100-Day Challenges are part of HUD’s national toolkit to identify and execute innovative practices to end youth and young adult homelessness, community by community, through intense collaboration, continuous innovation, and disciplined execution. Nine communities across the nation have completed HUD-sponsored 100-Day Challenges to accelerate efforts to prevent and end youth homelessness. As a result of each team’s hard work, 875 youth and young adults were housed across the nine initial communities in 100 days. This resource provides summaries of the work and case studies of interventions that communities tested during their Challenge.
In November 2018, five more communities joined the effort: Las Vegas/Clark County (NV), Miami-Dade County (FL), Prince George’s County (MD), Sacramento (CA), and Suburban Cook County (IL). HUD is excited to see the communities’ progress and final results!
For more information and resources, visit the Youth Homelessness page on the HUD Exchange.